Flower Filter
Time Converter
Site 1: 46.771 Latitude, 121.723 Longitude, 1490 m Altitude
Site 2: 46.773 Latitude, 121.723 Longitude, 1540 m Altitude
Site 3: 46.775 Latitude, 121.720 Longitude, 1600 m Altitude
Site 4: 46.778 Latitude, 121.722 Longitude, 1650 m Altitude
Site 5: 46.782 Latitude, 121.720 Longitude, 1680 m Altitude
Site 6: 46.787 Latitude, 121.719 Longitude, 1745 m Altitude
Site 7: 46.792 Latitude, 121.717 Longitude, 1805 m Altitude
Site 8: 46.794 Latitude, 121.716 Longitude, 1840 m Altitude
Site 9: 46.797 Latitude, 121.712 Longitude, 1880 m Altitude
The seasonal progression of flowering for ten wildflower species at Mt. Rainier National Park in three years experiencing different climates. Each panel represents a year, with each band in the top panel representing one of the nine plots in which MeadoWatch volunteers documented wildflowers blooming. Different colored dots (top panel) and shades in histograms (bottom panel) represent one of the ten focal species monitored. As time progresses when you hit play, bands turn from light blue to dark green when snow melts from plots, dots turn colored when flowers are observed in plots, and the heights of the bars in the histogram (bottom panel) document the total number of wildflower species observed flowering (i.e. the wildflower season). Note that 2015 in was the earliest snowmelt year on record at Mt. Rainier National Park (analogous to climates expected in 2080), by contrast to 2013 and 2014, which experienced average snow amounts and meltout dates.